In October 26, 2019, Jinichi Kawakami, the head of Banke Shinobinoden who claims himself as only heir to authentic ninjutsu arrived at Yangon and demonstrated his art. It was among a few rare cases that foreign soldiers were trained by Nakano graduates along with Russians trained by Japanese secret military agency in Harbin. Among the Burmese, four men ( Ne Win, Yan Naing, Zeya, and Kyaw Zaw) were chosen to specialize in field command, sabotage and guerrilla warfare possibly including the method of ninja. Minami Kikan was mainly composed of the graduates of Nakano School where Fujita Seiko, 'The last ninja” taught Kōga-ryū ninjutsu in the early days of the school. In 1941, thirty Burmese independent activists supported by Japanese empire received military training by special intelligence unit called Minami Kikan ( 南機関). However, there is no record of Japanese ninja in Burmese kingdoms during this period. According to the tradition of Shan people, many samurais fled from Ayutthaya Kingdom served local kings of Kengtung. They settled in Ayutthaya Kingdom then moved to and served Kingdom of Mrauk U in 1612. For example, some kirishitan samurai belong to Society of Jesus fled from the ban of Catholicism by Tokugawa Ieyasu. The first Japanese people to come to Burma is thought to be Rōnin warriors who served local kingdoms.